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About Summit Downtown, Inc.

Summit Downtown, Inc (SDI) is a non-profit organization that represents all retailers and businesses in the downtown Special Improvement District. The purpose of SDI is to encourage the development and growth of businesses in the downtown. SDI is governed by a 14-member Board of Trustees comprised of downtown businesses, downtown commercial property owners, community residents, members of the Common Council, the Mayor and the City Administrator.

The organization is funded by a special assessment levied on the properties within the designated area. Those assessment revenues are dedicated to benefit the downtown and the City of Summit. SDI promotes the downtown and the business community through a variety of advertising and marketing throughout the year and events such as Annual Restaurant Week, Summit Farmers Market, Cars & Croissants, Family Fun Night, Summit Street Sounds, Arts & Cars Festival, Trick-or-Treat Downtown, and December Holiday Events. We also partner with other nonprofits such as the Summit Historical Society, Suburban Chambers of Commerce, YMCA, The Connection, Reeves-Reed Arboretum, Summit Public Art, Visual Art Center of NJ with events and projects during the year.

The Board of Trustees typically meets at 8AM on last Wednesday of each month (some exceptions), normally in the Whitman Room in City Hall (2nd Floor).

2025 Board of Trustee meeting dates: January 29, February 26, March 26, April 30, May 28, June 25, August 6, September 24, October 29, December 10.



  • Peter Lloyd, Brownie Points Bakery
  • Lauren Decker, The Co-Co
  • David Bernat, Cambridge Wines
  • Beth Welsh, Bassett Associates, LLC
  • Leslie Herman, Downtown Property Owner
  • Antonietta LaVecchia, The UPS Store
  • Ray Merritt, Summit Resident
  • Claire Toth, Summit Common Council
  • Elizabeth Fagan, Mayor
  • Tammie Baldwin, City of Summit Administrator
  • Karen Schneider, Lois Schneider Realtor
  • Annette Dwyer, Downtown Property Owner
  • Bill Robb, Point View Wealth Management
  • Delia Hamlet, Summit Common Council
  • Executive Committee
    Chair: David Bernat, Cambridge Wines
    Vice Chair: Karen Schneider, Lois Schneider Realtor
    Treasurer: Bill Robb, Point View Wealth Management 
    Secretary: Ray Merritt, Resident